full-stack overflow

23 Dec 2017

Intro to D3 Graphs + visualize sorting algorithms

Sorting algorithms visualized to compare performance in different starting cases.

let’s make some pictures

Insertion and Binary Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, and Quicksort.

Quicksort dominates. Selection and Insertion sort aren’t bad. And, Bubble Sort (as is expected) takes a very long time.

Try the camelBack beginning arrays. You’ll see that these take Bubble Sort the longest to complete and particularly struggles with “turtles” (small values near the end of the initial array). Shell sort is an implementation we’ll talk about that utilizes elements of insertion and bubble sort, aiming to reduce the effect of these “turtles” on performance.

d3 Library

d3 is a fantastic SVG-based library for data visualization. You can make all sorts of graphs and charts using it. It allows you to bind data to the DOM and then interact with it directly, either by creating HTML elements for display or SVG elements for real-time visualization.

For some inspiration and great links to a “code playground” of d3 examples, check out bl.ocks.org.

Some say that d3 has a large learning curve, but here we’ll just cover the basics.


  1. Create a d3 bar graph
  2. Enable the graph to dynamically update given new data
  3. Learn the three different phases of d3 data updating, enter, update, and append

let’s make a simple graph

We’d like to create a bar graph from a simple array of numbers.

All graphs in d3 require some initial configuration. We must specify a height, width, and padding, which is typically written as a margin object with keys top, left, right, and bottom.

var width = 300;
var height = 200;
const padding = 10;
var margin = {
  top: padding,
  right: padding,
  bottom: padding,
  left: padding
width -= margin.left + margin.right;
height -= margin.top + margin.bottom;

var svg = d3
  .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
  .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
  .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");

Setting the height, width, and margin is simple enough, but what’s going on with d3.select? D3 select works just like document.querySelector, only it returns an empty selection instead of null if there are no matches. d3.selectAll works like document.querySelectorAll.

To select all the paragraphs on a page in d3, use d3.selectAll('p'); To select a DOM node stored in a variable v, use d3.select(v).

We append an svg element to our container div and adjust its position based on our margins.

Now we just need to add some data to the picture. We’ll define a function called update that takes the data array. Each time update is called, it will bind the data it is passed to DOM elements on the page and update those elements accordingly.


First we define a function for our x and y axis using d3’s scaling functions. These functions scale the domain (input values) of our x and y coordinates to a specified range (output values) based on the dimensions of our graph.

We also define barHeight, so that all the bars will be proportionately sized to fill the graph container.

When we call x(coord) or y(coord), coord is scaled appropriately to fit the graph on the screen.

var x = d3
    d3.max(data, function (d) {
      return d;
  .range([0, width]);
var y = d3
    data.map(function (d, i) {
      return i;
  .range([height, 0]);
var barHeight = Math.floor((height - padding) / data.length);

Why is this necessary? For instance, in our case, the graph is 300px wide. What if we want to display a value of 100,000? We can’t do that. In addition, we need to display data proportionately: if there are 300px of width to display a value, a value A 10x bigger than B needs to have 10x the number of pixels of width. This would all get very messy, very fast.

bind the data

var bars = svg.selectAll(".bar").data(data);

create DOM elements (bars)

  .attr("class", "bar")
  .attr("y", function (d, i) {
    return i * barHeight + margin.top;
  .attr("width", function (d) {
    console.log(d, x(d));
    return x(d);
  .attr("x", function (d, i) {
    return margin.left;
  .attr("height", barHeight - 1);

enter() creates elements for each element of data that does not have a matching DOM element. In this case, that means each bar in our bar graph. It then passes this newborn element down the chain of methods. For each data element that does not have a matching DOM element, we append an SVG rect element, and we assign it attributes based on the data.

We add a class to the rect element to style the bars. In our CSS, we can style the bar how we like using the rect.bar selector.

There are four attributes for each data element we need to consider: x, y, height, and width.

X and Y are the actual pixel positions of the bar on the page, starting at the upper-left corner.

Height and width specify the size of the bar.

The .attr method allows us to set the value of each of these attributes using a callback. The callback contains two values, d, and i. d is the actual value of the data at this point. In our case, this is just the array element, but in more complex data, it is whatever data keyed at this index, i, which is also passed.

  • The y position of each element will just be the element index, multiplied by the barHeight, plus margin.top.
  • The width of the element will be the scaled value of d, x(d)
  • The x position of the element will be the same for each. This is the “baseline” of the graph, so all bars start from the same place.
  • The height of the element will be the bar height, with 1 pixel subtracted so there is padding between the bars.

remove DOM elements no longer needed

When we update the data, we might have too many elements on the page. So we need to .remove() these elements.


That’s it. If we wanted to do something special with those elements .exit()ing the page, we could do that before we call .remove() on them which removes them from the DOM.

merge in new data

We will modify our .enter().append() chain slightly to include the merge() method.
